Basic gamey-trainey kinda thing

A quick little thing I've been struggling to try out while learning Godot Engine.  Originally I wanted to get something onto the Android store, but it's such a monumental pain to get something onto there that I've opted to just make it an HTML5 thing that can (hopefully) run on mobile browsers.  It ought to be lightweight enough that you don't need a hefty phone or tablet, but it does take about a minute to load up on my Lenovo Smart Tab, and I don't know if it'll even be able to play once I get it started.  It could run Dragalia Lost, though, so I can some confidence that a relatively simple game like this'll run on it.

Files 7.1 MB
May 10, 2023


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I'm going to get rid of that custom animated mouse cursor.  Seems like it doesn't wanna play well right now with my hardware, and it isn't important to the gameplay.